What Did You Do Today? (2012)

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Went down to Tonawanda today. I found a decent 61 falcon wagon to replace the pontiac wagon that was written of last september.
Cleaned up the shop today, it was bad! Relieved to have the body and fenders done, now i can get on with the doors next. No body work to do on anything, just prep work as everything was plastic media blasted and coated it dp40 a year ago.
Here are some pics to show how much i have done and that the car actually does have fenders and hood etc. I have never seen the car together , other than in pics.

It will be a few weeks yet before i need a hand lifting the body again, want to paint the edges, doorjambs, trunk, etc first. Then the dreaded call out for help will come.

Got caught in the rain today



i really do have fenders


and doors


didn't want billit sh&% on my car, so i welded up the stock holes for the gauges and re-cut the holes a little smaller to eliminate the billit rings used to adapt the Classic gauges

My pops from Sask stopped by and helped me assemble the new Clam ice fishin shack................ SWEET! Time with dads is time not included in your time here!

Wish I was down there to give you a hand.....

Me too! A new set of fingerprints would be nice. Now that a lot is sanded, the gray primer is next. For those that don't know, it's not just a matter of 'scuffing' the primer, you also have to sand all the 'orange peel' flat on each coat as well.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, i have to make a couple of decisions soon, do i take the easier, fastest,least money route and go with tinted primer as usual or HAVE it painted (not affordable) or clean up the sawdust filled shop as best i can, and spray it myself in pieces. This would have to be wet sanded and polished for sure and there is only so much time till summer. Tinted primer is my best bet for being on the road for summer, both time and money wise.
The chassis is basically done, but the rest of the car has to be done on my limited time per day. I go see the back surgeon again on Thursday, and he will most likely want to fuse the three disc's together, because the surgery i had last month hasn't really done much and if he does that between now and summer i am screwed for this year. If it's after summer that would be better.
Time will tell, stay tuned.:D
Since today was my last day at the office before my retirement the folks in the office took me out for the "one" drink.....how come the room here is spinning and I am not in the rod doing doughnots!!.....I have a feeling this is going to hurt tomorrow.....oh well...I can stay home and recover and they need to be at work!!:D
Since today was my last day at the office before my retirement the folks in the office took me out for the "one" drink.....how come the room here is spinning and I am not in the rod doing doughnots!!.....I have a feeling this is going to hurt tomorrow.....oh well...I can stay home and recover and they need to be at work!!:D

Drove to Sweetgrass yesterday to pick up some parts waiting there before Christmas. On the way back ran into a windy brick wall when I got to the Claresholm area. Wind gust up to 122KPH.

So today it was to install the new shifter knob.
Went over to a buddy's as he has a drill press and the right taps. Shifter needed to be drilled and tapped for a 7/16-24 mount.

Also easier to reach too, raised it up quite a bit.



If I ever run into a problem, it's other use is a knuckle sandwich...aluminum style....lol of course.

This weekend is reserved to install the carpet and keepers.
While I was at it, decided to modify the window and door handles holders.

The set screws to hold them on the shaft were only 90 degrees apart, so they sat crooked and wiggley-wobbled when used.

Don't know why the manufacture did that as there are bosses to have them 180 degrees, so thats what was done. Drilled and tapped new holes.

Of course, that meant the plastic adapters had to be modified too.
A drill, small saw and a jewellers file assisted in this modification.



Now to install the cranks.
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When i bought the coupe, the previous owner gave me some pics that were taken at it's home in Golden Colorodo, when the owner was selling it to the guy in Richmond B.C.

I finally figured out a way to get them on to photobucket. So i thought i would share with those that care,
The only parts missing were the headlights...someone stole them. The parts missing in the pic were inside the car.






landed in Richmond B.C.


Car was all stock and ran with the flathead. I bought it from the next owner and all the running gear and that beautiful banjo wheel and column were long gone. Too bad.
what I did today.. by little Frankie Leigh, Royston ,BC
went to Billy D's Pub with 6 freinds, had a great lunch along with a couple of BEERS!! Lotsa BS, then came to my shop & had a few more BEERS,lotsa laffs, had a few ideas about my turn signals in the coupe, maybe a few more BEERS. &&& HAD A DESIGNATED DRVER!!!!!:):p;):rolleyes::cool::D
Awwwwww!! retirement is GOOOOOD!!! Ya gotta try it!!!
Wow Brian, That is a very cool coupe!! People seem to love the '40 but IMO '39 rules! Interesting stuff in the background on the 1st photo also! Thanks, Al D
Shovelled some snow ( wee bit ) this morning and then made puppies the rest of the day.
B-Bob........ I'll be out that way the end of the month.......... you around for a BS?

I should be, or not far away. Let me know when the time gets closer and i can make a point of being home.
I am only about five minutes west of the Aldergrove/264th exit on the freeway.
Easy to find.:D
Wow Brian, That is a very cool coupe!! People seem to love the '40 but IMO '39 rules! Interesting stuff in the background on the 1st photo also! Thanks, Al D

Al, there were a couple of 53/4 Chev cars and some seventies Chev pickups too. I have more pics that show them.
People say,'What did you do to yourself?'
I sez ,'Doc did this to me...why do you people always think I do this to myself?'
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