What's you're next vehicle going to be?


Well-Known Member
And when do you plan on starting it?

After I get my '53 painted and back on the road, I'm going to start saving my money for a 5w Coupe. I'll more than likely get one off eBay, as close to original as i can get, for something solid to work with. I can't wait, I realise it's going to be a while before I can even start looking, but I'm excited regardless

how about you guys (and girls) ?
I'd like a late 20's early 30,s four door sedan,not too bothered on make just want a long low early cruiser
After I get done the Model a coupe, maybe a roadster this time, or even a 55/56 chevy ....ah , too much to choose from....
What vehicles I would like are no problem. Now what colour THAT is a problem.

28/29 Model A Sedan... silver metal flake with scallops, mild chop and channel, mid 30s spare tire cover front fenders, chopped back fenders, olds... nail or caddy mill.

The list goes on but the bank account doesn't!!!!
A die cast buick...haven't chose the model or year yet...So many choices , so little time...:eek:
A die cast buick...haven't chose the model or year yet...So many choices , so little time...:eek:

I like's this one Chuck


Gee...I'll take it Hugh..what's it get for milage, and I presume it's runnin a nailhead:p
It is in premium shape and freshley waxed..........You can see an original with a lookalike Dianne driveing it in the movie Moonshine Highway. It was filimed in 96 north of Toronto........I watch the movie at least once a year right along with Vanishing Point and Thunder Road.........

Do not tell anyone but I learned to drive in a 53 Buick Roadmaster two door hardtop......had a 55 Buick motor..........Then went to 57 Special four door hardtop......
...I'm looking for a running, driving 59-60 El Camino. Cash is waiting. ..Stan ..
...I'm looking for a running, driving 59-60 El Camino. Cash is waiting. ..Stan ..

Ya, took the words right out of my mouth.
'59 to be more precise, the '60 doesn't appeal to me like the very first Elky does.

There was a running local '60 here in NS, I'll see if I can find it and whether it's still for sale. Looked like a nice runner, needed some TLC, but solid.
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Hey bullet that would be great.. cause ya see...I'd rather have a 60... Stan...
...rustbucket, I beat you to it.....
real high tech swoopy body....

..lots doors for a quick exit.....

....already chopped (but not enough)....

1951 Meteor convertible. Do I run the flatty and Fordomatic or my 400 SBC with tripower and a 700R4? The 400 was my Dad's - he bought it brand new so it's got some special meaning for me. I've been saving it for the car I decide to keep and I think this rag's the one. Tough decision.
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I'm thinking something from the tri-fives, but whatever it is , It will be a driver ,get in and drive it , no more of this work ,work , work, no driving:mad:
This mopar stuff is starting to get to me............dic
When I get the '46 done, I'm going to start on the '36 Slantback. If i don't sell it. Gonna build it with a '50s flavour. I've always wanted one of those Motor City Flatheads. But then who knows, right?