A Little Off The Top---Please

well here we are at the end of day 2---extremely busy by everyone--Dumprat and Krusty tackled the firewall--which I didn't know was going to happen-- and everyone else tackled the roof and trunk--cut up the parts car trunk to get it right before cutting the good one --and then getting the right angle slope on the roof to the trunk---amazing work by Tinmann and BCT---was a treat to watch and help them--I learned a hell of a lot today---everything is coming together--no books showed the problems that were going to happen---just take a little cut here---ya right--but is looking fantastic--here are a few pictures from today---yes we took lots more:D




Lookin good fulla's....more picture's of coarse.....sure glad you is doing this type of work in the cool of the day.....no little sweaty finger prints on the metal....probably so hot there no moisture left...Right on as you is havin a good get together....
Jezz Bobby boy, when I was there and you were talking about chopping up the Stovebolt I thought you meant getting some wood for the winter, now we are all going to have wood when this is all finished.

With the Boss looking down over the proceedings it is all going to work out just fine. Neat bunch of guys there helping so I have faith in the job coming out just right. Tinmann didn't realise it when I was at his place but I got all weak looking at his Chevy, they just suit the treatment you are into there.

Good on you all working as a team there, real neat.

Cheers to you all, John
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i just wanted everyone to realize we aren't having any fun here--:D--coffee pot is on--breakfast soon and back to the shop--just looked at the picture at the beginning what we started with to where we are now---wow---what a difference a bunch of great friends can make in 2 long days---I am going to owe these guys big time --more pictures tonite:D
First the guts to do it
assembling a talented reliable crew ( and having them axeually show up )
having a plan and following thru
This is going to be a very rewarding project , as in good times , good friends and a successful job done .
My only question is . where is the blood ?. I just made a fuel cell box 18 x 18 x 8 , for my drag car and cut myself at least 4 IIRC times ..77.
Now thats what car building is all about....just a handfull of guys getting dirty and building on a buddy's car.
Want to explain to someone what Hot Rodding is all about...give them this thread!

Looks good on all of ya,git er dun!
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You folks are doing an AWESOME job!!! Hunter, you must be on cloud 9:D This is a great "This is how it's done" thread!!!
Coming right along guys, but where are todays pictures?? Maybe you guys are still workin' the late shift?!
I left the shop at around 4pm and things were still going strong.
Tinmann was working up a blood pool on the English wheel, ooops.

The pics look great, but the car in real life is way too cool to describe, you guys are doing a great job, keep it up.

Thanks for letting us come and watch, I didn't help any, but I got in the way a lot, sorry guys

Jeez, I been away for three weeks and can't beleive all the things that have been going on. It is looking great, guys! You should've had a webcam focused on that chop so we could all check up on progress as it happens. that is an amazing amount of work, talent and vision to pull it off! Have fun with it.
Great job guys !.....That doesn't look like an easy chop.....Looks like you're gonna have a very cool car on your hands Bob....... you better hide the beer till the trunk lid is done.....:D
well here we are Day 3 of our slicing and dicing--got the front door tops done--sail panels coming together and the trunk is looking real good---finally got rid of the surf board off the roof--very tired so a few pictures tonite--thanks again to Dumprat for all his help and BCT--great time having you here too--thanks to Steph for feeding all of us and boy did we eat--and Mel34 for all her help too--



Tinmann was having problems with Krusty not knowing where to put his hands so he thought a drawing on his hand would help--



Looks like Tinmann has gone to sleep Hunter because he is the only one with a full plate, oh or he went back for 2nds.

Good on you guys a bloody big effort, keep the pics coming and this is a great tech article.

Are you going to trim the sheet off from the inside where the over lap is at the rear or just leave it ??.

Cheers guys my hat is off to you for a big job being done.
John--the colico fasteners are only there for mock up then Daryl marked and trimmed off the old stuff--everything is butt welded--someone else asked about the more door part---yes it is staying as a moredoor---no rear vent windows which will make a long low rear door window which will help with the swoopy look--hard to believe how much was done in 3 days:D
wow....serious progress since i left, the tinmann has incredible focus...bob, wayne ,chad, steph ,mel and daryll ,i had a great time meeting you all, nice hanging w/ya again dana and I look forward to helping again sometime this winter.