2020 Canadian Hot Rod Tour Cancelled

Sadly, on April 18, we notified our participants that the 2020 event had been cancelled.

This was not an easy decision but the correct one.

We had previously polled the group to gain an understanding of how they felt and had an overwhelming response that there was great uneasiness regarding participating.

We had pointed out that it seemed unlikely that groups of this size would be allowed to gather anytime soon. Clearly now, on May 6, that is still the case and Ontario has hinted that distancing guidelines, restaurant and group restrictions (beyond small groups) would be in place for the foreseeable future.

So, the 14th. annual Canadian Hot Rod Tour will not be (this year).

Friends, lets hope that, with our help and with possible scientific interventions, we’ll return to SOME normalcy in the not to distant future. Stay safe and healthy.

Driving is not restricted so drive your classic and to quote our slogan:

“Drive a little or drive a lot….
But drive…

All the very best….. Frank

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