"Timber Kings" Wooden Hot Rod


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Supporting Member
This car was at the Quesnel car show today. It is being built by Pioneer Log Homes of Williams Lake....which some of you may know as "Timber Kings" of
Reality (ya right) TV fame.
It is turbine powered and it is their intention to have it running within six months. Better watch the episodes on this one !!!!:) For more photos of Quesnel go to the events section.

Some thoughts on the Wooden Hotrod: I wooden have thought it possible, but it looks like it turned out oak-k. It takes alotta balsa to attempt a project of that magnitude, fir sure, elm impressed. I suspect they had help, but they're mahogany all the credit. They alder produce them for sale, I'm sure it would prove poplar. But it would be bad if customers got slivers in their ash, they would probably birch about it! (this would require a doctor with tweezers to teak a look) Their model range would need to have several sizes of Wooden Rods, small, medium & larch. People in Santa Monica would use them as beech cruisers.
Walnut olive you will find this humorous, maple some of you will?? That is all:)

James......my wife and I are still laughing........how you thought all this up......man.... too much time or a couple of beers.:):):)
James......my wife and I are still laughing........how you thought all this up......man.... too much time or a couple of beers.:):):)

I know James, the author.........................not at all surprised by his reply!

Good on ya James. LOL. Dave.
....ahhhh, the theory of unintended consequences -where the nose-piece resembles an orifice where the sun don't shine and the tail-piece resembles an appendage that needs Viagra......
I logged in to see this and i'm stumped, How do they get the pedals and steering linkage hooked up?
Us PTP folks knows how to build unique stuff.... Iffin you look real close you will Cedar is full metal frame that that there logs is attached too. It is a cool ride that's Fir sure :D:eek:
This particular tree was at the edge of the forest and looked up at the big Oak
tree and said " Mr. Oak tree, what kind of a tree am I ? "
The wise old Oak tree said....." I don't know whether you are a son of a beech or a son of a birch, but your mother was the best piece of Ash this forest ever had".
Oak A, oak A, I'll knot get into this one. I'll just leaf it alone.

Regards, Doug Fir