Rewind: O Brother Where Art Thou?

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Have you noticed that, “in these times”, people are turning to memories to share and enjoy?  When I sit at my desk, I’m reminded (fondly) of this post from back in 2009.  I hope you enjoy it.

I recently (finally) got around to having a piece of art custom framed.  I can’t believe it took me so long but you know how it goes…  It’s now hanging in my office where I can see it every time I walk in.  As I spend  alot of time in my office, I get to admire it a lot.

About this piece:
“I was working in the lab, late one night” (Monster Mash – 1962 reference).  Actually, my office and very late – and thought I would check email one last time.  An email came in asking if I had a brother.  My knee-jerk thought was that it was one of those last name deals where someone who might have the same surname could be assumed to be part of your family.  I then, almost  immediately after that, dismissed that thought as others (males) with the last name Colgoni are limited to my Dad and Son.  And, Colgoni is not actually our correct surname (another long but interesting story).  In any case, I replied to the email by answering “no”.

Very shortly thereafter, a second email came through asking if it would be OK if my “name” was used in an art piece.  I should probably tell you at this point that the asker was Matthew Labutte of Brightwork Auto Art fame (current note: aka Brightwork Studio).  I didn’t quite understand what name usage might entail but trusting Matthew I said “sure”.  Time passed and I didn’t give it much more thought to be candid.

Now, fast forward ahead to a Toronto Performance World show (current note: precursor to Toronto Motorama). So, I’m hanging out at our Canadian Hot Rod Tour booth, promoting “Points East” and Matthew drops by and asks me to come down to his booth when I get a chance.  A while later, I get that chance and Judy and I set off for the Brightwork booth.  Upon arriving there, Matthew is talking to someone so we start checking out all of his cool artwork.  We do one wall and turn to do another and I am faced with this absolutely stunning salt flat piece depicting a ’32 roadster at speed.  After that initial, overall, first impression, I begin taking in the details and…what’s this?…”Colgoni Bros.” on the hood!  To say I was surprised, elated, stunned, etc. would be an understatement (I hope the big public hug I laid on Matthew was cool – he seemed OK with it – grinning from ear to ear – me with tears in my eyes – overwhelmed – honoured).

Does it matter that I don’t have a brother?  Hardly. “Colgoni Bros.” sounds cool and, after all, I do have a brother-in-law who’s like a brother (I gave him his own framed version. He digs it very much too) and Matt’s my bro also.

If you haven’t already, click on the thumbnail (small pic) at the top of this post to check out “The Time Machine” (current note: still timeless).  Thanks Matthew.   More from Brightwork here: Brightwork Studio


  1. Keith Robinson October 23, 2020
  2. Norm and Kathy Thoburn October 23, 2020
  3. Tim Markle October 23, 2020

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