E-Brake completion


Hello Gents.
I need you help on completion of the installation of the e-brake on my 53.
Here is the story. I e-brake was partially complete and I am trying to figure out how it was intended to be installed so I don't have to scrap what has been done so far. I am hoping by just adding a couple brackets and maybe some donor pieces I can leverage the parts already installed and not have to buy a completely new e-brake kit. I have attached picks but you can see on the passenger side a new brake cable comes out of the drum in has the stopper and a threaded end. The stopper and threads are fairly close to each other in distance. On the drivers side there is also the "stopper" and a lot more cable coming to a blank crimp. Each cable is about 4 feet in length. My first thought is that I have to bring on of the cables over to the other and weld a bracket with 2 small holes that the "stoppers" can slide into and devise a plan to have another cable pull ends of both cables to apply the brake. I am not sure how that should look though. If anyone can draw up what I need to do, and the best way to get the last piece of cable to connect to the e-brake handle and also tell me if I am way off base, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks and enjoy the sun

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Knowing a picture is better than my explanation, check these links out.





1965 Falcon e-brake system

Notice the individual brake cables come to a common point, they connect to a balance point where the cables slide in a loop or to a balance bar. This is connected to the single cable of the emergency lever/pedal. There are a lot of different ways to accomplish this but all have a balance point so the rear cables are applied equally. Remember to have enough slack so the brakes are not still applied when released and to recheck in a couple of weeks of use as the cables to have a bit of stretch when new.

There was a setup which had an "L" bracket double nutted (for adjustment) to the threaded shaft on each side, a loop cable went from each of the "L" brackets which looped through the balance point.

I hope this helps.
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