UPS rant - I am done with the company


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I am utterly disgusted with UPS's practices in Canada. I ordered a custom gas tank for my bucket build, from RPM motorsports in Indiana. Tank cost $170, I had him install a sending unit as well $40. Total charge $210 USD.

I had asked RPM to check with the USPS for shipping rates and to obviously go with the best rate he could. UPS wins that bid $62 for UPS standard package weight was 39lbs.

Package was delivered today, with the added charge of $115.15. For a total shipping charge of $177.15!!!

How the hell can they get away with this? I am still fuming about this. $70 for "brokerage" WTF.......

Absolutely done dealing with these crooks.
Absolutely done dealing with these crooks.

Yeah, like they (UPS) are concerned, the Canadian market is so small that they could care less, (very obviously) and that’s from my UPS driver.

I had to learn the same way and then latter JPL hot rods went and shipped UPS when they said it would ship USPS. Should have refused delivery.

I guess this comes under “buyer beware” as this (UPS) has been discussed on this site before. Pain is the ultimate teacher isn’t? :)
Those added UPS charges are the reason I gave up on them about 5 or 6 years ago. I now send everything through the Post Office or if I'm dealing with anyone in the US, I ask them to send it by mail. If they can't ship by mail, I don't buy it.

Another thing that bothers me with any delivery company is the fuel surcharge.We all know that our parcels are delivered by plane, train, ship, or truck and we also know that these forms of transportation depend on fuel to operate. So why not build the cost of fuel into the delivery charge so we know up front what the actual cost of shipping will be.

Now I need to calm down and relax.
Keep in mind you have the right to do your own brokerage. I did it once on a high dollar item. Get UPS to fax you the paperwork. Take 2 copies to your local Customs office. They ask few questions and then charge you GST on the value of whatever you are importing plus any othere duties they see depending on the item. Pay your money to the cashier in the same office. Take the receipt back to the first person you dealt with. They give you a form to take to UPS to tell them to release the shipment to you. The day I did it there was nobody in the office and I was in and out in about 10 minutes. There was some driving around etc but I kept the "brokerage" in my pocket.

Everyone knows UPS stands for "useless piece of s***"

Companies in the US love to use UPS since its so easy for them. Many don't want the grief of using the post office. Once again we get screwed.
I feel your pain!
I learned that lesson years ago when I was building my '48 Chevy. I ordered a steering column bracket ($19.99) from a place in the US. BY the time it arrived at my door it was close to $100.00, thanks to the brokerage charges.
As others have said...if they can't ship it through the mail, I simply don't buy it.
If you insist the suppliers can send it UPS expedited which includes all charges and is still a lot less than UPS themselves charge.
Speedway does it for me all the time.
I ask for USPS flat rate box or USPS Priority, of course depending upon the size of said object, plus how fast I need it. Usually no gst.
My friend had 12 tires shipped to a drop off box cost him 40 bucks in Queenston Lewiston NY first exit after the bridge if interested Phone number is 716 873 3097 and the guys name is dan.
Well I was expecting the GST and shipping, what pisses me off the most is $70 for brokerage.

I knew shipping would be up there as its a 39 lb gas tank and of course our lovely 13% tax. But $70 for them to stamp a damn form just irks me to no end.

I have family in the US that I use to relay things up to me but its usually small packages, I wasn't going to ask my Dad to lug a big ass tank to the post office for me.

What really gets me is that even with all the shipping and tax, its still cheaper to buy from the US.
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USPS or I don't buy it. The alternative ( for Calgarians) is have it shipped to Sweetgrass Montana where there is a couple of places there that recieve and hold freight for only dollars a week, then drive there and pick it up and clear customs with it yourself. Plan ahead and stock pile a bunch of shipments there and becomes even cheaper yet.
I'm sure there are other border towns that do the same thing accross Canada.

You realize that they also charge the "brokerage handling fee", which is a lot more than the duty, on everything! That includes things like vintage auto parts, books, etc that there is no duty charged. The thing that adds the salt to the wound is that although the "brokerage handling fee" is payable upon recieving the package, they wait a month and send you a bill from head office stating legal action if you don't pay it..... hoping you have forgot that you already have paid it and will pay the fee again. If a seller will only ship UPS, I just tell them about how much extra they screw us by and that it just cost them the sale. Maybe, with election fever in the air, we should corner our federal politicians about this type of robbery.


sorry to laugh but was at rod shop phoenix this is true bob ordered 1 rad drop shipped to went to alaska so they shippe d new one to him not cali.and also one from alaska arrived 3 days later none to cali tried to chare hime for 2
Well I was expecting the GST and shipping, what pisses me off the most is $70 for brokerage.

I knew shipping would be up there as its a 39 lb gas tank and of course our lovely 13% tax. But $70 for them to stamp a damn form just irks me to no end.

I have family in the US that I use to relay things up to me but its usually small packages, I wasn't going to ask my Dad to lug a big ass tank to the post office for me.

What really gets me is that even with all the shipping and tax, its still cheaper to buy from the US.

I am not sure but I have been told it is the Canadian brokers that are doing the gouging? I know that UPS shipping within the US is cheap!!! But when you facter in that imaginary line there are a whole bunch of vultures waiting to scavage your pockets bare. I used UPS once when they first started north of the line and it more then doubled the cost of the part I had ordered so NEVER again will I use them.. fool me once shame on them.. fool me twice shame on me!! I would really like to know if shipping UPS from Canada to the States from the other side of the line is the same? Anyone know? I also am not sure if the brokers are independant or strictly work for UPS? We have been getting it up the shoot for so long up here I guess they figure what the heck stick it to us some more?? only now they are getting a peice as well? :mad::mad:

thats my rant to..

I am not sure but I have been told it is the Canadian brokers that are doing the gouging? I know that UPS shipping within the US is cheap!!! But when you facter in that imaginary line there are a whole bunch of vultures waiting to scavage your pockets bare. I used UPS once when they first started north of the line and it more then doubled the cost of the part I had ordered so NEVER again will I use them.. fool me once shame on them.. fool me twice shame on me!! I would really like to know if shipping UPS from Canada to the States from the other side of the line is the same? Anyone know? I also am not sure if the brokers are independant or strictly work for UPS? We have been getting it up the shoot for so long up here I guess they figure what the heck stick it to us some more?? only now they are getting a peice as well? :mad::mad:

thats my rant to..

But the important part is THERE IS NO DUTY on vintage car parts. So what are they charging for? A rubber stamp and handling? USPS does not charge at all for that same stuff.

I am not sure but I have been told it is the Canadian brokers that are doing the gouging? I know that UPS shipping within the US is cheap!!! But when you facter in that imaginary line there are a whole bunch of vultures waiting to scavage your pockets bare. I used UPS once when they first started north of the line and it more then doubled the cost of the part I had ordered so NEVER again will I use them.. fool me once shame on them.. fool me twice shame on me!! I would really like to know if shipping UPS from Canada to the States from the other side of the line is the same? Anyone know? I also am not sure if the brokers are independant or strictly work for UPS? We have been getting it up the shoot for so long up here I guess they figure what the heck stick it to us some more?? only now they are getting a peice as well? :mad::mad:

thats my rant to..


I do know from experience,...if you don't know the person you are dealing with Stateside,...don't let them con you in to sending the Parcel UPS " collect " , as in where they pay the UPS charges Stateside when it arrives. I shipped a couple huge boxes of aircraft wing ribs to Indiana to a guy, who sent me a MO for the components themselves,...and told me to just ship it " Collect Shipping " , and he would have to pay the shipping charges when delivered to him.....I recieved a Statement about 3 weeks later for the total shipping cost, ( nearly $200.00 ),...and trust me,..there is no way of getting out of paying it,...all you are doing when you sign their shipping agreement form is setting up an account for a 30 day grace period, and there is even a charge for that 30 day's " grace ", I have never used UPS since.
But the important part is THERE IS NO DUTY on vintage car parts. So what are they charging for? A rubber stamp and handling? USPS does not charge at all for that same stuff.

They're not talking about duty. They are talking about BROKERAGE. Totally different things.

Now my little rant. You all bitch about the shipping charges out of the states to try and "save some money". Then it bites you in the ass, so you look for someone to blame. Look in the mirror. Now pick up the phone and see what happens when you try to support the Canadian companies. I know they get their stuff from the states too, but by the time the smoke all clears, its quite often cheaper to get it from a Canadian company. And, if its the wrong stuff, they'll deal with the border crap to get it sent back to the states if that is what needs to happen. I know of one company in particular, who is a supporter of this site, that has FREE SHIPPING anywhere in Canada for orders over $75 for mail, and $350 for Western Canada ($450 for Eastern Canada) if the stuff has to go DHL courier.

Sometimes trying to save some money costs you more than it saves. Deal with it, quitcherbitchin' and learn from it. End of rant, back to regular programming.:cool:
Now my little rant. You all bitch about the shipping charges out of the states to try and "save some money". Then it bites you in the ass, so you look for someone to blame. Look in the mirror. Now pick up the phone and see what happens when you try to support the Canadian companies. I know they get their stuff from the states too, but by the time the smoke all clears, its quite often cheaper to get it from a Canadian company. And, if its the wrong stuff, they'll deal with the border crap to get it sent back to the states if that is what needs to happen. I know of one company in particular, who is a supporter of this site, that has FREE SHIPPING anywhere in Canada for orders over $75 for mail, and $350 for Western Canada ($450 for Eastern Canada) if the stuff has to go DHL courier.

Sometimes trying to save some money costs you more than it saves. Deal with it, quitcherbitchin' and learn from it. End of rant, back to regular programming.:cool:

This was a one off gas tank, purchased from a sponsor of another t-bucket site I am a member of, this was not a chicom speedway part. If I knew of someone up here that could have made the tank I would have bought it up here.

We all try to save some cash, that still does not justify the fees that UPS charge, which was what this post was about......
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