1952 Plymouth Project

Henry J

Active Member
Well here it is the 78 day start to road ready I will post all the pics a few each day
For those who don't know......Earl and Jan are going to Mexico in the car for 3 months this winter. He is currently installing a Chevy Six in the car and should be roadworthy in a week or so.
Quick, call the cops, somebody stole the wheels! :eek:

Subscripted: with eagerness, to the (a rather unattractive ’52 compared to a ’53 ;)) thread.
I guess the wife can sit in the back seat seeing the upholstery is no good on the passengers side ....... oh hang on you guys drive from the other side :D,

Great project moordoors are pretty handy when you want to take other folks for a ride.
HMM I guess I haven,t given a reason for this. Jan and I will be leaving Prince George on a road trip to the Puerto Vallarta area of Mexico. I can,t take my Sunbeam Tiger and My Henry J is out of the question. we will be gone 3 months and with this car sitting in the yard WHY NOT. the six will be great on fuel and all is easy to fix. Oh and on the way we will be stopping in Tijuana to get the interior completely done to make a comfy ride. Will be my biggest road trip ever Should be an adventure.
GOING TO BE A HOOT !!! You guys are heading off on the adventure that lots of us talk about but don't do. Lots of bonding!!! ORRR..:confused::confused: