The old UPS debate tonight...


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Well, a couple of days ago, decided to order a very small part from an Oregon company who only ships UPS. Paid a little more to get it expedited so no BS at the door.

It was one of those parts that was not a must have but a nice to have, and it just wasn't worth it to ship to the American address.

It showed up today. And of course the driver was not prepared for the questions when he wanted another $25.00 on top of what I paid.
Brokerage was charged, but reasonable sort of, but it was the duty they wanted to collect on auto parts.
When I raised the issue of collecting duty, driver said auto parts are not exempt, only antique parts.
Asked what the brokerage fee was for and he said customs clearance until I told him that's your problem if you don't separate the shipments according to categories as no customs clearance is required on auto parts.

Bullshit poker started at that point.

Showed him a copy of the NAFTA agreement on parts and the CBS directive on auto parts that indicated no duty on auto parts period.

Even got his so-called supervisor ( had an American accent too) on the phone and he pleaded "stupid". Said there was duty on auto parts, and the shipper needs to collect the duty that he charged on them. Oh, and we don't know what the shipper classed them s so it could be why there is duty, until I point out that it says auto part right on their invoice, and BTW, the US shippers do not collect duty on behalf of the Canadian Government, thats done at the door.

Called Bullshit. The kicker in all this was the supervisor asked do I really need the parts and if so, guess you'll just have to pay up. Until I said, don't need this part, it was a nice to have, not a must have. Phone call ended real quick.

Driver was visibly shaken with all the questions and couldn't understand what the problem was as everyone else pays it and the brokerage fee. I simply stated that I'm not everyone and and I guess they, the others who paid, are uninformed as to the duty, or really needed the parts.

He indicated they would send it back to the broker department for re-assessment, which was again BS as they will send it back to the supplier.

I said that's fine, I will get it re-shipped to the US address, for free, and doesn't cost me anything to go and get it.

Before he left though, took a copy of the invoice and he asked what for.

Told him that I'm sending it the CBS, who is very interested in what UPS is doing.

Driver left in a huff.

It was a fun evening.

Now to phone the Oregon supplier in the morning.
Oh man, UPS ...don't get me started! It's unfortunate that the bottom of the line driver has to take the flak for the UPS rip offs. NEVER will I use them again unless it's a freebee in inter US addresses. Good on you for flagging as I'm sure there will be a ton of issues arise here!
Funny that the news reported the police in Quebec raided a bunch of construction companies for ripping people off. Hopefully, UPS is next on their list!

I had parts shipped to me from the states and the brokerage fees on $1350 bill was $168. Heres the kicker with UPS.....all 3 boxes left the supplier together.....they all got to UPS Winnipeg warehouse where they clear customs.......then a few days later i receive 1 box out of 3 and the driver wanted me to pay the brokerage fee....... its not the drivers fault so I didnt get upset at him.....I told him NO and that it would be appreciated if he can return the box to the depot and come back when he had all 3........ 2 days later he comes back with all 3 boxes. Now he says that according to his paper work that I had to pay 2x $168 broherage fees cause the boxes were cleared at a different we go again.....I called UPS while I had the driver with me, ripped a strip off the person at UPS on the phone to be told.....We are sorry but you are right....the total fees for the 3 boxes was $ I passe the phone to the driver so that he can new instructions from the office.

That day I called UPS to rip a strip off some one. The guy that I got was a little blunt about the delivery saying that it had gone as I asked him if it was normal to delivery only one box out of 3 and then to return some other time with the reat of the order and still want to charge for the complete brokerage fee. He says ....Yep its that point I lost it and said.......we are done talking.......he answers by asking I told him that I dont deal with pass me your supervisor. All I got was .....and get hes busy with other calls....... CLICK.......the phone went dead.

Thats UPS FOR YOU (UPS stands for ....Useless Piece of Shit)
Funny that the news reported the police in Quebec raided a bunch of construction companies for ripping people off. Hopefully, UPS is next on their list!


Yep....Corupt to the core.......if I read right..... it all started with inspections of erected bridges and over passes that were deteriorating and falling apart faster than expected and finding out that the companies were charging full price for top quality materials and cheaping out on non conforming materials that were not to code......Coruption is supposed to be running very deep in this case that goes as far as including the mob being associated with civil servants.
UPS MAdness

I had parts shipped to me from the states and the brokerage fees on $1350 bill was $168. Heres the kicker with UPS.....all 3 boxes left the supplier together.....they all got to UPS Winnipeg warehouse where they clear customs.......then a few days later i receive 1 box out of 3 and the driver wanted me to pay the brokerage fee....... its not the drivers fault so I didnt get upset at him.....I told him NO and that it would be appreciated if he can return the box to the depot and come back when he had all 3........ 2 days later he comes back with all 3 boxes. Now he says that according to his paper work that I had to pay 2x $168 broherage fees cause the boxes were cleared at a different we go again.....I called UPS while I had the driver with me, ripped a strip off the person at UPS on the phone to be told.....We are sorry but you are right....the total fees for the 3 boxes was $ I passe the phone to the driver so that he can new instructions from the office.

That day I called UPS to rip a strip off some one. The guy that I got was a little blunt about the delivery saying that it had gone as I asked him if it was normal to delivery only one box out of 3 and then to return some other time with the reat of the order and still want to charge for the complete brokerage fee. He says ....Yep its that point I lost it and said.......we are done talking.......he answers by asking I told him that I dont deal with pass me your supervisor. All I got was .....and get hes busy with other calls....... CLICK.......the phone went dead.

Thats UPS FOR YOU (UPS stands for ....Useless Piece of Shit)

Ain't it great to be Canadian.
I bought a set of exhaust flanges off of ebay which cost $45.00, shipping $25.00. UPS guy shows up at my door with a bill for $38.00, are you shittin' me, that much for duty? Well I paid the bill....what the Hell else could I do? I took that experience as a lesson, and will NEVER use UPS again.
UPS has the highest brokerage fees of all the couriers that ship US to Canada and I think by far the worst customer service too.
Did I ever tell you the story of the Christmas when my wife ordered a couple rod T-Shirts for me out of Californey? She paid for them plus shipping at the time of order. I was asked to pick them up at UPS. $75 it cost me to break them out of UPS jail................ won't make that mistake ever again.
Cross Border Relay

Anyone had any luck with a cross border relay between CR and the HAMB 'ers..
Maybe we can get in on the NAFTA that the Gov. always boasts about.LOL
I have battled daily with UPS for three years over stupid things like incorrect customs billings, missing packages, times sensitive packages delayed beyond their useable dates ( trade show materials showing up on breakdown day...I have recently switched up to FED Ex and let me tell you, the first week or so was hell as they would not take packages until the customs docs were all up their standards within compliance but now its as smooth as butter. Fed Ex has bent over backwards to ensure that UPS has no chance of leaving their shipping system in my workplace as I cannot find any destinations anywhere that Fed Ex is more expensive to ship than UPS. Not to mention the fact that they are usually a quicker service, even overnight shipments arrive the next day earlier to my clients. In my three years working with the folks I am employed by I only once saw a UPS rep here "trying" to help us out(ha,ha) and every week since Fed Ex has taken over their area rep has stopped by , even if for nothing more than to say hi and have a coffee with us, very,very pleased with the changes.... UPS to me means "Unreliable Parcel Systems" and besides our Fed Ex driver is a bit of a hottie comparing with the 60 year old crusty dude @ UPS,ha,ha! ( sorry Dave)
If you can....always use the may be slower but no brokerage fee's.

Well, that's not quite true.

If you look closely at the customs document, particularly if over $25, CBS does add a $5.00 document fee, and will ask for the GST too.

I don't mind pay the 5 bucks.
Out of all the packages I have had sent USPS, I only had one that they bothered to charge duty when it was delivered.

a few years ago i bought a 27 dollar part off an american company for a 83 vw rabbit gti i was restoring/building (eegads !!!!! a vw:eek:)

anyways the part was about 1"x1" x 3 feet long so it cam in a very narrow and small but long rectangular box.

i was charged 55 dollars shipping by ups as it was "an irregular shaped package"

i just about shit and there was talk about me showing them my irregular shaped package.........but i needed the part and that was 4 years ago and i am still pissed:mad:
Showed him a copy of the NAFTA agreement on parts and the CBS directive on auto parts that indicated no duty on auto parts period.

Where can I get these documents? As there are very few companies that deal with '58 Chev parts and only one will ship USPS.

From my experience, Fed Ex is just as bad as UPS. I ordered a part from a guy in the states, and paid the price, including shipping, and he shipped it. I get the box, and a week later I get an invoice for $113. GST and brokerage fees. Overall, I paid about half of the price of the part, in shipping alone. From now on, I ship to the US receiving centres that will collect your parcel on the US side. The cost of gas to the border is cheaper than the brokerage fees to ship things into Canada.

Many US suppliers won't ship USPS (US Postal) as don't pay claims on 1) damaged parts or 2) missing packages.

Even though there is a tracking number depending upon what is paid (just like Canada Post), it may take anywhere from 4 to 14 days to get to your address, because there is only 2 clearance centres for US mail coming into Canada now
(supposedly Toronto & Vancouver).