They're Off - July 20
by Jeff Sutton

Well, we all got off to a scattered squadron leader so consequently a little bit of "SNAFU". Andy's gang (Bay Area Roadsters) blasted off like there was no tomorrow.The rest were left suckin' fumes 20 to 30 minutes behind.

I got the call from Al Vonderwerth at 8:30 a.m. from the Carquinez bridge, jumped in the '26, picked up Patti, scooted over to the Napa rendezvous, missed the last bunch by 5 mins, and then could'nt get out of 2nd gear (either modulator valve or something in the valve body). Called AAA, flatbedded it back to Petaluma, jumped in my BMW (God I felt out of place driving an old Euro coupe) and hi-tailed up 101.

I made a call to Al who told me that Dick Munz dropped a spanner nut off his left front
coilover in Calistoga. That gave us time to catch up and we caught the 2 Al's bunch in Geyserville and then the 2nd group in Cloverdale at the1st gas-up.

I had planned a lunch banquet at Ukiah for at least 25-30 folks.
Ten made it;
- Al Engel
- Darrel and Leta Altermatt,
- Jeff and Barb Black,
- Andy and Linda Nantz,
- Jack Gottfried
- Patti and myself

The rest were dead set on gettin' to Eureka so they missed out on an hour of good fun and food. I took some parting shots and wished them well.

Patti and I headed back home on the coast route and pulled in at around 7:30 p.m.

More news as it filters in.

Canadian Rodder - Cal-Can Rod Tour 2001.
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